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Hey, 200 strips, how about that! It’s funny that I hit it on a Monday, the 24th. Marooned launched on a Monday the 24th, too. 200 doesn’t seem like a big number, but boy it sure feels like it was a lot of work! I’m glad to say that I am still very much enjoying doing the strip and I feel like it’s finally starting to get where I always wanted it to be.

So what’s up with these Baro goofballs? Can’t even land their own ships! And there’s another one coming! Hmm…

Previously on Marooned…

If you are a new reader, you have jumped in at the perfect time. We’ve just begun a brand new story in Marooned. All you need to know is that Captain John (the spaceman) and Asimov (the robot) have been stranded on Mars. Ugo the Martian (the green guy) has put them up in the Martian underground city Vita, and they live there now. There are other various Martians you’ll meet along the way. Sit back and enjoy the story!

If you want to be fully informed, you can begin reading from the beginning

You can also read Episodes in full-screen mode without digging through the archive!

  • Episode One: In the Shadow of Gordo the Monkienaut!
  • Episode Two: Diagnostics
  • Episode Three: The Saga of Bob
  • Episode Four: Temperatures Rising