As I mentioned briefly previously, I planned on making a second, more affordable version of Mars Wars through CreateSpace. Yesterday I finished laying out the interior of the book. I simply need to put the cover together and upload the files and review the proof. It really shouldn’t take that long.

So for those of you who wanted to get the book but balked at the price, this will be a much more affordable book. There will of course be some differences, but essentially you will be getting the same book. Here’s a breakdown of the 2nd print:

  • There will be no mission log. This is key to reducing the page count and making the book more affordable. It allows me to cut 60 pages out of the book. The mission log is the only thing missing from the first printing.
  • The book isn’t a limited edition. As many as can be ordered will be sent out.
  • There will be no artist editions. You will order direct from my CreateSpace store page and it will ship to you. If you must, you will be able to order from Amazon eventually. I will prefer CreateSpace orders, as Amazon takes most of my profit.
  • The book size is 8 x 10″, just like the reprinted Out of Orbit.
  • 108 pages. There’s actually a couple of spaces I had to fill. One spot has my Peanuts tribute strip, the other full page needs something else. I haven’t decided what to put there yet.
  • Price? I’m not 100% sure yet. It will be around 35-40%-ish cheaper than the pre-order version though, much more affordable.

Timeframe? I’m guessing a couple weeks until it’s available. Generally depends on how long it takes them to process the files and get me the proof. Also, I have to adjust the cover artwork to fit the new size.

Keep in mind if you missed out on Out of Orbit, it’s available here for $9.99

Note to those of you who ordered books, yesterday I sent out the first batch of like 8 books. They are going out first ordered/first shipped. I’ll be working on the next batch this week. I hope to get them all sent out in 3 shipments.

Also, interestingly, there are a couple of used Marooned items listed by someone on Amazon. I don’t get any take from these secondary sales, but I figured I’d let you all know.

First there is a version of the first print of Out of Orbit. Of course they were all signed. It doesn’t say what number book it is. Doesn’t appear to have a sketch in it. They are asking $19.95

The same person has listed the Ashcan I made a couple years ago for the same price. If it’s truly the first one that I hand made and assembled, it’s like 20 pages of B&W strips, the very early ones, with a page of development art. If it is indeed that one, I think I only made like 15 copies, so it’s a pretty rare thing. There’s certainly nothing new or special inside, but if you are a completist, this was the very first thing I put out.